Category: Blogs & News Post Date: 23/09/2022

Health Tips during Durga Puja

It’s the festive time of the year again, and after a prolonged 2-year hiatus this Durga Puja will be without any restriction. The pandals have started taking shape for the hopping it is expecting. In these festive times it is more important to keep yourself healthy so that we don’t miss out on the fun.

Here are few tips to follow during the season while you do all the Puja pandal hopping and be blemished by all the art around us.

1. Wear Comfortable Footwear

Puja is a time for walking (lots of walking) so wear a footwear which has been worn few times previously so that you don’t get hurts by the new edges. Try to keep your foot wears flat and soft so the you don’t strain your ankles and toes. Sneaker are the best.

2. Drink lots of water

It is very important to keep your self hydrated as you will be sweating a lot after all the walking and crowded pandals. Carry a refillable bottle which can be filled repeatedly at food outlets or public places. This will save you money and the environment also.

3. Wear Loose – Breathable Clothes

Cotton, Khadi or linen should be your first choice as the humidity may be a spoilt sport and make you feel suffocated. And ensure that it is not tight enough and has lots of breathing space.

4. Avoid that Street-food

With so much demand quality will definitely go down. Also, the quality and quantity of oil and masalas will be absurd. And we are not talking about hygiene here at all. So, think thrice before you eat anything from the Thela Walas. Instead pack a light like cakes, biscuits peanuts, chocolates etc.

5. Try to Plan Ahead

With the number of pandals you hope to visit your body is going to be equally exhausted. So instead of covering all at one day utilize the 4 days and comfortably plan your excursion so that you get adequate rest before your next mission.

6. Carry some emergency medicines and Band-Aids

Medicines such as for vomiting and ORS should be with you. Small shoe bites and injury can be managed immediately with band aids. If at any time you feel dizzy or uncomfortable contact the nearest available Puja helpdesk, police assistance or hospital don’t shy to ask help.

7. Be vaccinated, try to keep distance and Mask Up

Vaccines help prevent a lot of infections diseases which may find it way to you through the crowd or food during the puja. Another way to keep safe is by maintaining adequate distance as much as possible and keeping the mask on where ever required. And not to forget frequent handwashing and sanitizer use.

At the end wish you all a very happy and health Durga Puja.
Shishu Child Care Clinic shall be open all Puja days (except Sunday) from 10am – 1 pm. For any assistance, please call 90935-90936

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